
Help with karate kata?

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I have to learn a new kata as i am just getting back into karate after 2 years out and have forgot it. Im sure i did it as my purple and white kata, it envolves a set of three pen hand knife blocks in cta stance, standig on one leg with one fist ope and the other closed against it then putting foot down and punching then some other stuff. Help i wanna learn it fast so i can get my grade awarded faster. Any help would do




  1. you are wasting your time here. Just go to class and learn the kata the way they teach it.  Over the years I've learned the same kata from different schools or styles. Each does them differently. If you learn the kata on your own, you will have to relearn it anyway. Besides your head is in the wrong place you should not be concerned with how fast you can get promoted. The only thing that is important is what you know, can explain, and do. Belts have nothing to do with what is important.

  2. Overall I agree with Pugpaws.

    If you are just hoping to move ahead quickly, you have the wrong approach to the arts. And we could maybe identify the kata and you would then watch it on YouTube, etc and probably learn all the wrong details (as pugpaws said, each school has their own stylistic differences).

    On the other hand...

    If you are trying to learn the steps quickly so you can learn the moves and details properly from your teachers, then I commend you. That is a great attitude. Your teachers time shouldnt be wasted on you trying to remember 1-2-3 stepwise. That is the student's responsibility.

    So, I suggest you write down notes from each class. This wil help you learn quicker and with more attention to details.

    Good luck!

  3. Each style and each school has various interpretations of Kata.

    Your best bet would be to ask someone at your school to help you refresh your memory.

    Never be too proud to ask for help.

  4. which system is your kata from?

    What is the name of the Kata?

    If you type in the name of it on you may find it....

  5. who you trying to kid?

    only yourself - to learn a kata involves YEARS of practice.

    at first you take time to learn the sequence of movements and their applications, then years to perfect.

    as your grade increases so does your appreciation of all that is contained in the kata.

    take your time and you will develop faster, only paying lip service to the kata, and chasing the coveted blackbelt is not the answer.
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