My 5 week old kitten is chewing on the nipple of her bottle... I've tried feeding her soggy kitten food, but she just won't eat it; yet when i put my 3 year old beagles food down, it's a straight bee-line for the dog food!!! What's up with that? She's obviously still on KMR, but gets bored of it after like 2 tbsps... my vet told me I should feed her 4 tbsps every 8 hours. What can I do to get her to either stop chewing on the nipple or to get her eating kitten food??? Please help! :)
Oh, and for those of you who are going to say that a 5 week old kitten is too young to be away from mom, she was abandoned when she was 3 weeks old and I took her in.
And a sidenote, if this has anything to do with ^^^ she started using the litterbox when she was 3 weeks.