
Help with kitten please?

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we've recently bought a kitten from a cattery re-homing centre and at the start she used to purr lots when we held her a gave her attention. 1 week after buying her we still give her the same amount of attention and she doesn't purr as much?

she is also very flatulent (she is 13 weeks old), we feed her adult cat food 2 times per day sometimes 3 if she is moans quite a lot, we feed adult food as we were told by the RSPCA cattery kitten food gives diarrhoea more.

She also isn't as active and prefers to sleep more? and she doesn't drink water that much, is she getting enough moisture from her food or is this a problem.

do you think we need to go and see a vet as my family and i are getting quite worried to say the least.

Thanks in advance




  1. I don't have a lot of faith in the RSPCA, I have dealt a lot with them in the past and find them not to be helpful at all.

    Feeding a kitten adult cat food is not a good idea, the kitten should be feed kitten food.

    The reason that she is not drinking a lot is that wet food contains 70% water so she probably just doesn't feel thirsty, I believe that cats should be feed a dry diet only as this is better for their teeth, it also makes them drink more which is good for their kidneys.

    Firstly you should feed her chicken and rice so that her stomach has time to get stronger then introduce a kitten food to her. You may need to water the biscuits down at first if she is used to wet food.

  2. It might be a good Idea to see a vet.  It is my belief that you need to be feeding her kitten food not adult food.  I just lost my Kitten. Not sure if taken or another animal has taken her but I have had other cats all from young ages before.  Kitten food is formulated for them and is best for at least the first year.  I have also found that if thay are not allowed to go out side thay aren't as happy.(most of the time)

  3. She may need a vet. It's a good idea to get new pets checked out.  

  4. Get her on a really good nautural food.  Call your vet to see if he/she has any suggestions.  Get her more toys, and also try one of those cat tree houses for exercise.  Make sure she is up on all her shots, go a head a make an appointment to make sure she is good health.

  5. I think you should take her to see the vet to make sure she is ok and I think you should give her kitten food because this is high in protein and will help her grow. She might not be drinking water because she prefers milk but I still think she should go to the vet to make sure she isn't ill.  

  6. I would go to a vet.  I would also ask the vet about deworming her and I have never heard of not giving a kitten, kitten food.  It is higher in protein and they need it for growth.  It sounds like she might be dehydrated, this is serious in kittens and needs to be dealt with right away.   A high quality kitten food should be offered in both wet and dry.  

    Please see the vet as soon as possible, if she isn't getting enough water until your visit you want to consider syringe feeding her some water to try and balance the levels a little bit.

  7. Kittens need kitten food until at least 1 year of age due to the large amount of protein that they need.

    I would put her back on kitten food slowly mixed for about 1 week. If you are concerned about water, give her 1/4 can 2x a day until she is about 15 weeks.

  8. Well, she's not doing well on the adult food; that's clear: so I suggest you immediately get some kitten food.

    Also get straight to the vet for a check-up and a second opinion on her food.

    Also ask about giving goat's milk to your kitten.

  9. She should be on a kitten for for at least 9 months to a year because it is formulated to provide the nutrition and vitamins that a growing kitten needs.  As long as water is offered she should be getting enough hydration.  

    Sometimes kittens/cat when they are scared or fearful will purr so maybe she is just getting more relaxed in your home.  They go through growing spurts that may make her sleep more as well.  

    Make sure all of her vaccines are up to date and as long as she is eating/drinking and not inactive you should just keep an eye on her.  You may  want to take her in to your vet just for a check up and to get her established as a patient but I don't think this necessitates an emergency.  Good luck with your baby:)

  10. 13 weeks is too young to be feeding adult food . . .probably the reason for the flatulence.   If she feels bloated, she won't overall feel well, so also probably the reason why she's not purring as much now and wants to sleep.

    Even if you're feeding her "wet" food, she still needs to drink water.

    If it were my cat, I'd take her to the vet.

  11. Feeding a kitten adult cat food is dumb! She is not getting the nutrients she needs. My cat never really drank a lot of water. I think that's pretty normal for cats? Kittens and puppies sleep a lot. She'll probably get more active the older she gets and the more comfortable she gets with your family. I listed 2 websites to give you info on when to switch food to adult food. I'd gradually start weening her off adult food til she gets used to kitten food that way she doesn't get diarrea.

    Good Luck!

  12. It sounds like your cat needs to see the vet. Often, after adopting an animal from a shelter, it carries diseases with it that it might have obtained from the other cats. As for her sleeping a lot, kittens like to sleep and she just may not have an "active" personality. All in all, I think you should bring her into the vet.

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