
Help with long distance running?

by  |  earlier

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As of now, I can run about a 1.5 miles [maybe more] without stopping. But, I would really love to increase that distance to about 6 miles as quickly as possible. I'm willing to work. I would like to do xc next season, so I'm working towards that goal. What would be the best way to increase my distance and time? I have about 5-6 days a week to work with, right now I run about 4, about 1.5-2 miles per day. I'm 15, about 110 lbs, and 5'5. Any help would be appreciated.




  1. You can run about 20 miles a week right now. Do that for 6 weeks then move up gradually into the 30s per week. If you do that all summer, you'll have a good XC season

  2. 6 miles huh?

    well, i just started my mom on this, and she adores it.

    it is called a 13-week couch-to-10k plan.

    click here for more info ( :

    hope it helps!

  3. Walk a lap run a lap.  Just see how many laps you can complete.  This really builds you endurance.  Do this for two weeks taking two days off per week spread apart.  Work through soreness because you have to work the lactic acid out of your muscles cause that is what is making you sore.

    Good Luck

  4. Hey, i'm a freshman in highschool and i did xc, indoor track and now outdoor track this year. I used to run miles in like 7 or 8 minutes, and then when i did xc I made the varsity team and went to states for it. What my team did was we started off with about two miles, you can do it slow, then the next day, do hill workouts. it really helps your speed. run up a hill as fast as you can for about 20 seconds or so, and do that about 5 times. then the next day do a slow three mile run. just keep on doing that, our longest day in xc was 7 miles after a few weeks, you can do as many miles as you want, just slow. it'll feel painful, but it feels good afterwards. and now i have a 5:35 mile, soo if i can do it you can too

  5. you can run a little more everyday. But don't push it to hard or you will get hurt. Thats all i can tell you to do. maybe jog it then go faster and longer.

  6. You need to limit your increases to about 25% every month. If  you do too much too soon you will injure yourself.

    You have to take the time to harden and condition your joints and connective tissue.

    You may break down if you try to increase your distance too soon.

  7. I'm in running too. The first run i had was like 8 miles. I hurt my knee and it was really bad for like a month or so. Then, i went to a massage place and they told me to not go too much from the beginning until u get used to it. But u have to gradually start picking up your pace. you should try running like at least min. 5 miles per day at about 6:30 pace. you should also make a schedule for work outs runs, long runs, and recovery runs. Good luck next season!

  8. RUN SLOWLY! The easiest way to increase your millage is to slow your pace and add distance on each outing. Once you've achieved your goal distance you can start working on your time. I would try to run four days a week and cross train once. Also, allow yourself to take walking breaks if necessary, as you adapt to running longer distances, you won't need to walk anymore. It won't take long to get to 6, your body will adjust more quickly than you think. Good luck!

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