
Help with magic mushrooms?

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I've picked what I'm almost entirely certain are liberty caps.

I've left them drying in direct sunlight for 24 hours and they've turned a dark, nearly black colour, and smell a lot like wet dog but very sweet at the same time(!). Are these safe to eat; do i have the right mushrooms or was it a mistake to leave them in direct sunlight?

Also, don't bother answering if you're going to be preachy and babble about legality - I want answers from people who actually know this stuff please.




  1. You sound a little uncertain about whether they are Liberty Caps or not.   If you were certain you would have told us why you are certain.  The fact you didn't hints that you don't think you classification would stand up under analysis by others.

    I don't know what you consider a Liberty Cap but I do know that Psylocybin mushrooms are fairly common in cow pastures in Florida and southern Mexico and other areas of the Caribbean.  They tend to grow out of the cow paddies.

    The risk you run if you take the wrong mushroom is damage to your liver and kidneys.  This can shorten your life.  The benefit you get is watching trails of phosphorescent iridescent colors behind anything that moves.  What is your value system?  What is important to you?

  2. A magician NEVER reveals their secrets

  3. not preaching so don't worry! but it for any reason your unsure for god's sake don't eat them!

  4. have you made a spore print it should be purple-brown..also did they bruise blue?

    if you answered no then you may have to wait till august when they are in season.

    what region did you pick them in what were they growing?

  5. I dunno. Are you a gamblin' man? Eat 'em.

  6. Look dude, first of you are messing with liberty caps. These are potentially dangerous. There is a website you should visit. This is is by far the best website for any kind of drug questions. Good luck man. HAVE a save TRIP!

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