
Help with mean kitten please?

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Ok, so we rescued this kitten, someone dropped her off at a circle k in my town, and since my older cats were getting fat i thought that a kitten mught help them get up an move around more. anyhow my b/f brings me this kitten, from the moment i picked her up she was biting an clawing at me. i have got her to be nicer but she just out of the blue clawed my face this morning, if i cant get her to be nicer then i have no choice but to get rid of her. so any advice on getting my kitty to like me more and like to be pet and stop biting an clawing out of nowhere, would be ever so helpful, thanks in advance.




  1. This is how I handled the newest member of our feline family. She was also feral and very defensive. For the first week she lived with us she lived in our spare bedroom. Food, water, litter box, toys up the wazoo, tables with comfy warm blankets so she could sit in the sun and look out the window, etc. Every hour or 2 I went in to visit with her. I sat on the floor and just talked to her and always brought 2 treats with me. At first she would hiss when she saw me but after a few days of me not trying to touch her she began to be curious and would come closer. After a week she was coming to me when I came into the room each time and let me pet her. (Cats communicate with body language so if you look her right in the eyes she will take it as a sign of aggression. Try to avoid that. Mine still gets angry if I engage in more than a minute or 2 of direct eye contact. I always blink, or look away briefly then look back at her.)

    It was a full month before I even introduced her face to face with my other 2 cats and that was also only after she'd had her shots and been spayed. It takes a lot of time to acclimate a feral cat but the best first moves are food, distance and quietness. Be patient and give her time.

  2. I had the same exact problem with my aunt's cat (that cat is the devil) so what I did was try not to upset it and usually i start playing with her. If she doesn't want to play, i leave her alone so she can do whatever she wants to do. Soon she started to like me somehow.

    I'm not sure if that will help you but you should a least try. But if it doesn't, I'm sorry.

  3. probably a feral kitten, I have one. time, time & more time eventually they will trust you . they usually take to one person. but it may never be the fuzzy loving cat everyone else seems to have but these cats deserve love and a good life too.

  4. She may have not been dropped off by anyone.....more than likely she was born in the wild and wandered to circle K.  My sister-in-law took in a stray has never been nice to anyone

  5. You can try feeding it. When the cat is hungry YOU should be the ONE to put the food down for it.

    Most cats choose the one who feeds it as their favortie.

    That should help.

  6. When he bites or claws you spray him with some water.

    If he is a kitten then thats there personality.

    Spoil him when he does good,like milk.

    Only give to him if he's nice and doesn't claw or bite.

    I also agree with playing more often.

    message for more info


  7. I sing to my cats, that always seems to put them in a good mood. They love to have their name sung to them, often more quietly till they get used to it,  

  8. if she is going to be an inside cat don'tt declaw her but get the rubber things that you put over her claws called soft paws you can get them at petco i hope this helps  

  9. aww that cat has been through a lot, kut him slack

    aww i love kittys :)

  10. How to get your cat to like you? Go to this link.

    How to communicate with your cat. Go to this link.

    So check those links out, they are very informative/interesting + maybe you can find some ideas. I hope I helped

  11. This kitten is not mean, it is terrified. Probably defended itself for a while and has had no human contact. Let it be. Make sure kitty has fresh water, food and clean kitty litter and that she knows where everything is. Let her explore the house. Talk to her softly, don't make any quick moves. Hand feed her treats but let her come to your hand. She will eventually start trusting you and you will have an affectionate ball of fur as your new best friend.

  12. There is proabably a reason she bites and claws...i mean she wouldn't just do that to be randomly mean.

    Maybe she was abused before you rescued her and she's not really mean...just protective.

    give him/her some time and show her you are a nice person and he/she has no reason to be scared.

    Mabye she's just playful, i mean she's a kitten so of course she gonna wanna play. Get her a toy so she cant bite and claw the toy instead of you and others.

  13. Just let her be and get use to her new surroundings. You can't just bring a new kitten in and expect it to know you want to be nice and love him. He was probably mistreated is the reason he was dropped off so just try not to make him let you hold him. It will come around. Some cats just like to be left alone. Please don't take him to the shelter cause he will surely be put to sleep and I really hate to see that happen

  14. Before you get rid of her, try using a Feliway diffuser in your house, or even the spray in a pinch (you don't have to buy the expensive Feliway diffuser, just the refill and make do with a less expensive diffuser).  Feliway is a pheremone spray that makes cats happy, even mean little kittens.  I promise you that you will be amazed at the difference in her behavior, and the calming effect is immediate.

    If you have any questions about Feliway just do a web search and go to the site.  That stuff is a miracle in a bottle as far as cat behavior problems are concerned.

  15. i think you should get rid of her

  16. Step one put the cat in a grocery bag. Tie a knot

    Step two drive to a overpass with water underneath

    Step three...gravity takes care of step three.

    Really though a squirt bottle will kinda help. It won't be mean anymore but it won't be as affectionate as you might hope. Just let the cat settle in and come to you for affection. Do not approach the cat yourself for affection

  17. Some kittens are just like that cause it's their personality. Maybe try playing with it more?

    Meow for now! =]

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