
Help with my African Grey Timneh Parrot??

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My African Grey Timneh Parrot Flew away Sunday, and we Got her back today, just looking at her you can tell she's malnourished. She looks weak, she was letting someone pet her, who she's usually goes after (as in biting). She's eaten today, but is there something i can give her that will nourish her quickly? she is a bit over 1 year.

Oh and she's been making little quack like noises very frequently

Thanks for all your suggestions




  1. Please be sure to properly rehydrate your bird before feeding her.  If she is emaciated to any degree she'll need to get her electrolytes back into balance for food to do her any good.  I would suggest getting some Pedialyte into her for several hours at least before pushing food.  (Either the clear or the orange.)  If she is really emaciated you'd be wise to take her to an avian vet and let them make certain she is properly hydrated and okay to eat.  An emaciated bird may not have the reserves to actually break down and process food.


  2. You need to get her to a vet as soon as possible.  

  3. make sure she is well hydrated. give her a lot of options to eat. Also make sure she has a few days to rest . Poore thing must have been thry a lot. Im so glad you got her back.  In the future give her some real branches to nibble on. they love that but with leaces on so in the case she ever fly away god forbid she would know what to eat. Thats what i do with all my parrots.I have 6 of them. and if any of them acidentally fly away at least he would know what to eat.

       Just give her her favorite food for now,fresh water veggies and leave rest for a while. GOOOOD LUUUUCK :)

  4. Please take her to a vet immediately! Birds tend not to show illness if they can help it, (a defence mechanism to prevent them being eaten in the wild) so by the time they are showing symptoms it can be quite serious. She may just be malnourished, but it may be something worse. Either way, the vet should be able to help, possibly by giving her some injected fluids or special food/drink.

    I hope she gets better soon!  

  5. Try giving her lots of water and fresh fruit.

  6. ive always wanted an african gray! your so lucky. i cant afford one. =( i suggest making sure that every day even if she hasnt touched her food or water still clean it out and give her new just in case she does all the sudden want lots of food or water it will all be fresh for her.. also mabe she would enjoy a bath? cuddle her and give her lots of fresh friuts and veggies. after about a week if she doesnt seem like her normal self take her to the vet. hope i helped!

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