
Help with my DVD recorder.?

by  |  earlier

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My DVD recorder won't record what i've got on the harddrive to a DVD disk. If I send it in for repairs I will probably lose all the recorded TV shows I have on there. Is there any way to get the shows off without using a DVD disk?




  1. First, remove the DVD recorder and send only that part to service. If you can't, then remove the hard disk and keep it with you when you send it in.

  2. To be able to asnwer this question correctly we will need to know if you are trying to record a dvd with a stardard home dvd recorder or are you using a dvd recorder for a computer. If you are trying to record with a stand alone home theatre dvd record the answer is no. If you are using a computer dvd burner you need additional software such as Toast (mac) or Nero (pc) or any other type of dvd burner software free or otherwise.

    Hope that helps.

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