
Help with my Warhammer 40k Army?

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Well, I thought about it for a while and I decided that i might go Imperial Guard. My reasons behind this is that A) they look cool B) the cost to troops ratio is good. But, how are their playability and the painting difficulty? they look easy to paint. But there starts are the worst of all the other races. There armour is so weak, it might as well not be there. If i go IG will I get owned every game?




  1. the game is about strategy. and using your pieces as team

    some people play hit and run,  if you try and slug it out with a ogre or a tank you will get owned

    I have High Elves, and Sometime I do it a target panted on me, but that is half the fun, just getting out there and doing it

    I play hero-scape and sometimes i win, sometime I get trounced, by a dragon,


  2. sorry dont know what your talking about.

  3. look into tanks and supplemental troop weaponry.  But you are right IG is all about the strategy.  Use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses at all costs.  Always use cover rules and anything else that gives you a modifier.

    That's all I can say.  The IG was one of the first armies in 40K and have absolutely no real advantage unless you just like the military look.

  4. IG do, indeed, look cool (as long as you don't go with Catachans).  For painting, you might like to look up the details of a technique called "dipping" on a few online forums, like Warseer or Dakkadakka, as this works very effectively on IG and can speed up the painting process substantially.

    The infantry armour is, indeed, weak (although remember that with doctrines you can upgrade them to have carapace armour if you wish - I don't recommend it, though) but the new rules for cover and going to ground will work in their favour.  Their large numbers of Troops choices also helps in the new objective-based scenarios (although they might struggle in the Annihilation scenario).

    Your principle strength as an IG player is your tanks and good tactical deployment of armour with both long and medium range will often give you the edge even over elite armies like Chaos Space Marines (watch out for Tau, though - this is one of the few armies against which the IG are better up close: keep your armour in cover and surge your infantry into his firing line as quickly as possible!).

    The best thing about the IG is that they're the true forgotten heroes of the Imperium.  Any fool can lead an army of genetically-modified super vegetables (a.k.a. Space Marine) but winning with the lowly dog-troopers of the guard is for real men!

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