
Help with my babies!!!?

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Ok I know this is weird but I feel like I'm losing my babies =(. My oldest will b 4 in August and my youngest just turned 1 on June 29th(currently 7 months preg with third baby). They are growing up too fast! My oldest will start school next year and my youngest is almost walking by herself. I think this reaction was brought on becuase I came across my girls' home videos of after they were born(in the hospital)..those first cries and little hands.I started crying when I saw the they want to do everything on their own...they don't need mom 24/7 and it makes me sad.I wanted them to do all the things they are doing now,but now I wish they were both still little bitty again..I don't want them to grow up anymore!lol I know this sounds stupid..pretty much my question is...anyone else feel like this?




  1. while your sad and missing the past ..your missing the age they are now ..enjoy each stage ..they fly by faster than you know

  2. I feel your pain! My kids are 17, 12 and 8. Time has FLOWN by so quickly. I was feeling VERY sad about it, and we then decided to have another baby. Well, in the blink of an eye, he is now one! It's a good thing I had my tubes tied this time, otherwise I'm pretty sure I would want to have another already. Just enjoy every moment that you have with them.

    PS- Don't you just love a newborn cry? I think it is one of the sweetest sounds in the world and it makes my ovaries ache!!!

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