
Help with my black moor?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there all you fish hobbyists.

I have 4 fish, I got them today. The tank / water / etc is all in check. So please refrain from answering with any questions about that.

I have a black moor, who seemed to have sunk to the bottom in behind the filter in the corner. I took him out and put him in a bowl with a few rocks. It's half full, there's no filter or air stone. But it made him thrive just that little bit better. Not much, but he's moving around. I gave him about 3-4 flakes and he's missed one. What could be the causes of this? If all the other fish are absolutely thriving?

And would it be okay to keep him in the bowl, change the water often, etc until I get my tax return (a week) and buy him the things he needs, keeping him in a small tank alone.

I have a comet, and two fantails.

PS: I also noticed he has a small bite / bit of flesh missing from his top fin.

He was in the same tank with these same fish where I got him from.

Serious answers, please.





  1. Assuming it was thriving in the tank you got it, then he may have gone into a PH shock, which for anyone uneducated is a large change in the waters density. It may be sick if it displayed the same actions before you got it. I would suggest buying an air pump and leaving it in the bowl with gravel from the existing tank and water from that tank as well. If you can't get an air pump, remove the gravel if it is from the existing tank because the gravels live bacteria will use oxygen from the water, leaving your goldfish with less. I would treat the fish with basic medications. The missing chunk could be damage from moving around, or he may have been nipped by another fish in an attempt to create territories. It is best to leave him in the bowl for this reason. I do not like leaving fish in bowls without an air source so I would never recommend.

    Please note that any information I have given is no shot at intelligence or knowledge, it is to educate anyone new to fish keeping.

  2. It could be a number of things. He could be struggling with the bite mark on his fin but I've had fish with bite marks before and this hasnt ever stopped them from swimming around so I wouldnt have thought it would be that. It still needs to be treated though!

    He may not have eaten all the flakes because he's just not hungry. I have a fish that wont eat anything unless it's really hungry so it could also be that. He may have been overfed.

    I have a fantail that sinks to the bottom a lot and he's had previous problems with his swim bladder so it could also be something to do with his swim bladder that's causing him to sink to the bottom. When you get the medicine to treat his bite you should probably look for one that will treat everything just in case it it is his swim bladder.

    He may have just not settled in yet and may need more time. Moving can be very stressful for fish so after a while she should settle in. It may be that he's missing his old home at the minute or he may be missing the other fish in his old hime buthe'll get used to the new fish (even though they're ones he knew) in time.

  3. maybe someone in your tank hunt her down.   your plan since its temporary its okay however without aerator you will have to do lot of water changes.  To be safe you should water change before you sleep and before going to work.

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