
Help with my braces?

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Anybody with tips about braces? I got my top braces 2 days ago & my teeth are so sore. What can I do to help it? I've tried gum & oragel & they don't work. So far the only effective thing is eating popsicles & drinking milk.




  1. dont chew  gum in the first place

  2. the pains gonna go away eventually

    you should try ignoring it

    while doing something else

  3. advil or Tylenol

  4. Motrin worked the best for me!

    Take 2 Motrin pills every 4 hours, and your good to go.

    Or just sleep

    and i have top braces on to BTW

  5. just take pain medicine and wait. the pain will go away in a few days

  6. advil helps a lot.

    try not to eat really sloid foods for a while, cuz if you are eating solid foods right now, its probly not helping.

    eat things like soup, jello, etc. anything soft.

    i also found that cold things like ice cream and popsicles kind of help.

  7. will take some time, trust me.the pain will last and the more you think abt the more agitated u will become..just try to ignore it by concentrating on something else..drink plenty of cold water,not ice cold but cold water...and it will take it's own time to heal..after a few weeks or so u wont even notice or feel as if it was there..

  8. When I had to get some teeth extracted, I had extreme soreness weeks later and my ortho recommended a type of over the counter medicine called Percogesic. (sp?)

    It works great, but you get really sleepy.

  9. advil or ibuprofen..

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