
Help with my cat's peeing problem?

by  |  earlier

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when he comes onto my bed, he gets really excited so he starts purring and pushing his claws into the bed.

he also thinks it's okay to pee on my bed, so he does.

i scream and pick him up and run him to the basement stairs so he can go down to his litterbox.

he's done this three times and he's a very shy and scared cat to begin with, so when i yell he gets completely shocked.

don't you think he should learn from the first couple of times not to do this?

also, why do you think he does this?




  1. Take him to the vet. He could be trying to tell you he has a problem. He could have a urinary infection.  

  2. Your cat may have a urinary tract infection. When a cat urinates in your presence, not in the litter box, he's telling you something. He's showing you that he's not well.

  3. Put a litter box in your room. Then you don't have to RUN to the basement. Also-don't punish him, he's not doing it out of spite. He might just be that excited to see you!

  4. There are many reasons why your cat might "pee" in your bed.  Perhaps his litter box is too far away.  He also might need to see a vet, when pets are ill they often tell us by improperly eliminating in the places where we are sure to notice.  And, has he been neutered?

    Litter box problems are very frustrating for all.....human and feline.  Here's a link that you might find helpful:

    Here's a link to Cat Attract Kitty Litter.  Many have had success with this product:

    Good Luck!

  5. Do not scream, it does not help.  Keep a litter box by your bed and cover your bed with large beach towels until he learns, take your cat off the bed and immediately into the litter box, but do not scream poor kittty.

  6. Its very likely that he just wants to be close to you. why dont you try moving the box to your room in the closet or something. or you can spray a pharamone on your bed that you wont be able to smell but the cat will and wont pee there any more. you can find it at any pet store.

  7. Sometimes cats pee in inappropriate places because  they have a urinary tract infection.  Please have him checked out by your vet and also ask your vet if the behavior could be age related.  If that is not the problem, maybe he does not the placement of his box.  Can you put it in a more convenient location for him?  That may sound funny, but I live in a one story, one bedroom apartment.  I have three litter boxes (multiple cats).  Two in the bedroom and one in the living room.  Even though there is not a great distance between the boxes, the one in the living room gets used the most, the one closest to the bedroom door gets used second most, and, you guessed it, the one against the far wall of the bedroom gets used the least.  

  8. I don't see the problem here - it's just a little cat pee.

  9. sounds like your cat is in heat. rub her face in the pee. it sounds mean but it works. after a few times it should get the picture.

  10. I am having almost the exact same problem with my cat.  All of the research that i have done indicates that yelling at your cat and putting them by their litterbox when they do this does not train them AT ALL.  The only way to fix the problem is to make it easier for them to pee in their box instead of on your bed.  If he is peeing consistently in one spot try putting tin foil down there.  They hate the feeling and sound of it and will refuse to walk on it.  

    Make sure you are cleaning his box EVERY DAY, some cats are very picky about how clean their litter is.  Also, try a different litter, it may be that he doesnt like the one you're using.  Often they are too scented and the cats don't feel they can cover up the scent.

    Best of luck to you, I feel your pain man!

  11. He may have a problem - urinary tract infection/bladder infection.  I'd take him to the vet first.  Also, maybe put a litter box in your bedroom.  He could be scared of going down to the basement to use the litter box.  

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