
Help with my daughter please?

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My 10 year old daughter is starting to develope, the problem is she won't sit down with me for the facts of growing up talk. My family tends to start to mature early especially the girls, and I'm scared she will begin menstrating and not know what it is or what to do about it. I keep trying to broach the subject, but she just eith pushes me away or ignores me. She need the correct information, not the stuff she will be told on the playground.

I had no problems with her half sisters (my husbands two daughters) what am I doing wrong this time




  1. she may be embarrassed to talk to mom about such private thing. . Why not try getting her a book that explains it then maybe she will come to you if she has questions.

  2. The nurse at school usually has a talk and film to show the girls and boys, separately of course.  Make a call and ask if that's been done and if not when it will be.  Maybe she's already gotten that info and she's embarrased by what she knows.  Do you think her older 1/2 sisters could talk to her? She may not be ready to talk  now, but let her know you will be willing to answer her questions any time she has any. Then step back and wait.

  3. She probably just thinks its awkward maby ask the half sister to talk with her or any other girl siblings she may have.  if you feel like you want to do it yourself take a drive..... You aren't doing thing anything wrong shes probably just embarassed

  4. is there someone else like maybe a grandma to talk to

  5. My grand daughter had the facts of life film in school last year,  4th grade age 9. This year they have a little more detailed film and talk (at 10). maybe your daughter has seen it but my g-daughter isn't bothered by talking about it except to say its gross !

    I would talk to your daughter when you are alone driving in the car. No escape there and she can look away from you if she's really embarrassed.

    I would also by her pads and the other needed items and then let it go. I remember being embarrassed to tell my mother I had started at 12. But she also never talked to me about it, just bought supplies for me. I always wished she had told me but it was a lot different then.

    Has she seen her doctor this year? My grand saw hers as she's turning 11 and they had her put on a gown for the first time and looked at her body. She is entering puberty as if we didn't know. Her teen age sounding mouth was a clue!! You know that hand on the hip, rolling her eyes, "yes mother " mouth. Heaven help us all ! good luck with this one too.

  6. Maybe she already has her period, and you don't know?  I'm sure there are books on the subject, maybe you could get one for her.  

    My cousin took her heice on a "celebration" shopping spree... they bought deoderant, training bras, pads to get ready for the "bid day"

  7. She will talk to you when she is ready.Don't worry so much about it.

  8. M'am I'm a fourteen year old female and I can assure you this is normal, don't pressure her into talking about things that she isn't comfortable with. It's hard for someone her age to face the fact that she has to grow up. I've always had this problem and still today I wont talk to my own mother about my social problems much less my menstration cycle and my breast size. If your that worried go to the doctor and get a few pamplets on menstration. While she's away at school come home lay the pamplets on her bed and don't speak a word about it. She may seem angry at first of you doing this but trust me, when she thinks you aren't watching her she will read them and know everything about it. Hope this helped. But whatever you do don't shove the little mother daughter talks in her face, it will only push her away.

  9. She is probably embarassed.  She probably already knows about her period.  You just need to put some pads in her room or bathroom, let her know where they are.  My kid (age 10) gets embarassed to, when I need to talk to her about things, I do it in the car.  (she cant leave).  I say what I need her to know.  Sometimes if we are completely alone she may ask a question or 2.  We have been talking about things (s*x and whatever) from the age of 6.  That is when she asked her first question.  She knows it all.   I think at age 10 your daughter  probably knows it all from her really need to tell her the whole deal.  Set her straight, she probably has lots of questions.  Dont let it embarrass you.

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