I work at a daycare, and there is one child there I believe may have an undiagnosed behavioral disorder. He refuses to listen to any teacher but myself, and will not stay calm unless I am in the room with him. The second he wakes up he literally bounces off the walls, and when he doesn't get his way or I am not around, he will hold his breath until he turns blue. The kicker is he is only 1 year and 4 months old! He began walking at 10 months and was running by 11. He's very strong as well, and climbs the bookshelves and lifts up the toy chests. He takes my attention from the other children because he always wants to be held, he wont even let me go to the bathroom without holding his breath until I get out. I brought all this up to the owner of the daycare, but all she's worried about is losing money if we insult the parents by suggesting he see a doctor.....