
Help with my dreams?

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I keep having these dreams.

There all different but they have a common factor.

They all involve this guy I like

I'll go in the order I had them...

In one dream I was at school and it was the first day of school and very hectic and crowed, and i couldn't find my bus. I saw a lot of people I know, most of them were friends from along time ago. Then finally I found Dan [[the guy I like]] and he was acting very strange, But he helped me find my bus

In another dream My friends and I were hanging out. And I was sitting by Dan then all of the sudden my best friend kisses him and he kisses her back. Then we were somewhere else and they were all over each other and they acted as if I shouldn't care if they were together or whatever

In the next one We were at a new school and Dan and I were 'together'. But he was hitting on a lot of other girls, but I didn't seem to care And the school had these huge stairs every where I mean they were so insanely spaced out that I couldn't go up them...




  1. He helps you find your bus (your emotional dependency on him)

    He flirts with other girls (his emotional detachment from you)

  2. exactly what that person said ^
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