
Help with my fear of clowns.?

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Please be serious about this and don't make fun of me for this. But I have been mildly afraid of clowns for quite some time. But lately my fear of clowns has been much more than "mild". It is getting a lot worse. When i am the only person awake in my house at night, I feel and almost expect that a clown is going to pop out of the darkness and get me. I no this fear may sound silly but please help me. My fear is getting worse and don't answer this question with a comment that will not help me.

My fear all started one christmas when my grandpa got me a clown that is in a jack-in-the-box. When you crank a trigger in the back of the box, the clown would sing. My mom new i was afraid of clowns a little, but this was the start of my actual 'fear'. We got rid of the clown around a month after christmas. My fear is starting to get worse because of the clowns in movies like 'the joker' and 'IT' from the steven king books.

Please. be serious about this. I know that my fear of clowns will probly not go away for a very long time (if ever). I just need some way to calm myself down about clowns so I'm not completly spooked when I try to watch TV at night.

Thank you to everybody that cares to respond respectfully.




  1. If you face your fear with clowns mentally, you won't be as scared. I'm also terrified of clowns (after reading "It") and I can relate. There's no reason for anyone to make fun of you because everyone is scared of something. Have you tried going to a psychiatrist? & If that doesn't work, maybe an eye mask over your eyes while you go to sleep would work. Or listening to soothing music to get your mind off of things. Try reading a book. Things that get your mind preoccupied off of the clowns would really help. Hope my advice works; GOOD LUCK! =)  

  2. No one can help you with your phobia.  If I could help you, I would.  My sister has the same fear and there is nothing we have been able to do to help her overcome it...and she is now 43.

    The only advice I can give is to understand what it is you don't like about them and try to resolve things from there.  Maybe make yourself up like one and then you'll see the "good" in clowns.  Don't think of a clown when you see the joker and other 'bad" clowns.  Just think of them as bad guys with painted faces. Think of Bozo (who you might not remember depending on how old you are) and other happy clowns.  Clowns should bring you joy, not fear.

    Good luck.

  3. Try dressing yourself up as a clown.

    Also pray. Jesus can help any phobia.

  4. With absolute & total respect, I promise.

    All fears are equal - I am old compared to you & sometimes the dark still gets me.

    I had ideas for you after reading your post. Jack in the box - you don't like to be taken unawares. Bad clowns - you like everything to be visible and good,  not hidden behind a mask with a possibility of being threatening. If I am making sense to you then please try to understand that it is not the clowns themselves that you are afraid of - its the associations you have had with them that you don't like.

    The majority of clowns are good & try to make people happy. As in stand up comedy, circus etc. Read Michael Bentine's The Reluctant Jester if you can get a copy. Go to a circus etc.

    Find all the positives of any one thing in life which causes you negativity and you will conquer all fears & grow in self-confidence.

    Best wishes. UK

  5. I also have a fear of clowns, always have, but when I'm alone at night and feel spooked I just turn on my bedside light, ino its not much of a help but it takes away the feeling of being alone and unable to see what/who is in your room. Another idea is get a big group of friends together and sit down and watch "IT" and some other clown movies just to try and get the fear out of your system so to speak. I really i hope I helped!

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