
Help with my high school classes

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I just finished sophomore year in high school. I will be in 11th grade this september. I picked out next years courses with my counselor in may? I was given Geometry for math and Chemistry as my science. I was told by a friend that it isnt right. I need to be in Algebra 2 or higher to take chemistry. He told me i should have been put in Physics? is it true?




  1. Yes you should be in Physics. Last year I only knew everything up to Pre Algebra and I had a Chemistry class the semester before I had my Algebra IA class and the highest of math that I knew at the time was Pre Algebra.

  2. ya... at my school you have to take algebra 2 before chemistry!

  3. It depends on what the prereq requirements at your school are, but content wise, you should be fine. I took chemistry before taking algebra 2 (Took both my sophomore year, but chem was 1st semester and algebra was 2nd). A lot of schools switch up geometry and algebra 2 anyway. Check with your guidance counselor if you're unsure.

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