
Help with my horse?

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My horse only listens to me when my trainer is around. Why? I just got her so we're still getting used to each other.




  1. yes like the person below me said, your trainer is the one that is more talkative to her and handling her, so she is probably getting used to him/her's voice.

    maybe go out to your horse and give her treats and stuff then, when-ever she see's you she'll think that "o she gives me treats, maybe if i listen i get even more treats!" lol ya know?

    like i have to board my horse cuz we live on a lake and it SUCKS (but horay! we moving) so i dont' get to spend "good time" with her so i got her a year ago and we still don't have that "special bond" but maybe she's just not that "special horse" yet, ya know that special one.

    anyways, hope it gets better!


  2. I agree with the other anwers, but I'll put a different slant to it.  I think that when you're trainer is giving you directions, you feel more confident than when you are on your own.  This is true for all of us, we do better when we are being walked thru things, but with time you'll get to know your horse better, and you'll form a relationship with her, and you'll progress.  Spend time with her, and try to feel confident even when your trainer isn't around.

  3. prolly because your trainer is more confident and assertive than u are.  Your horse can sense your trainer is the one more in control.  Also your trainer knows excactly how to tell the horse what to do and is helping you learn this, that's why the horse listens to her.  He understands her better.  Give it time and talk to her about it if it's really concering you that much.  Good Luck

  4. thanks for the points
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