
Help with my mom!! please!!!

by Guest65170  |  earlier

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my mom is trying to quit smoking. she is being very grumpy! and i just moved in with her. and i am really tired of it!! my boyfriend is getting mad at her for yelling at me and stuff..

what do i do!? i want to leave!!!!!




  1. She is going through withdrawal and it will get better in time once the urge to smoke passes.  Put up with it for now because it is better than her smoking.  She should try the patch or gum to help her through those rough times.

  2. That is a hard thing to do {quit smoking}.

    Tell her what she's doing and then suggest some fun things you guys could do together to help get that habit out of her.  You know, like bowling or something?  

    That way she can get her frustrations out in a loud place and not on you.  :-)  It sounds geeky, but it CAN be fun- try  midnight bowling on the weekend.

    Go to Medievel Times so she can yell all she wants (at the kinghts)!  It is actually really fun.

    Well, you could leave... but do you WANT to help her?  If so, stay.

  3. mhm.when my mom quit smoking she was a lil grumpy 2. u just hve to support her and stand behind her the whole way. cuz its very hard for some1 to quit something they hve dne for a long time. like is ur mom doin the patches? thats wat my mom did. it will get better. just give her time

  4. i would stay and help her with whatever she is dealing with and i'm sure she needs you. nobody will care for you like your mom.

    good luck!

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