
Help with my neon tetras!!?

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i got 4 of them in a 20g tank

i wanna get more tropical fish

any help?




  1. 1+ more neon tetra's

    5+ guppies

    3+ mollies

    3+ Platies

    Guppies and Platies produce lots of babies

    2+ pleko's

    1+ upside down catfish.{ they're cool }

    5+ Rasboras

  2. I suggest getting 2 more neon tetras, as they prefer large schools.

    Here are some other fish I suggest:

    4+ Fantail Guppies/Normal Guppies (1 Male for every 3 females. Caution, produce LOTS of babies!)

    4+ Mollies

    4+ Swordtail Platy/ Normal Platy

    For the bottom:

    4+ Corydora Catfish

  3. Well you have a lot of possibilities.

    I would get about 2 more Neon Tetra...the bigger the school the better.  You could do more but put a bit of contrast to color in there.  Add another school of Black Light Tetra.

    Make it a more colorful adding a Dwarf Neon Gourami.  Only one of these.

    Also put in about 3 cory cats and 1 Mystery Snail.

    You could also put in a couple of Platy...same s*x to avoid fry.


    6 Neon Tetra (adding 2 more)

    6 Black Light Tetra

    3 Cory Cats (Emerald Green or Albino...keep the same type of 3)

    2 Platy (same s*x to avoid lots of fry)

    1 Neon Blue Gourami (or Flame)

    1 Mystery Snail.

    This will give you lots of color and contrast at the same time.  Medium planted tank for cover and a log or stump for the Cory Cats.

    You could add the 2 Neons...and put 6 zebra Danios instead of the Black Light Tetra to have some activity to the top of your tank.

    Lots of different combinations on personal choice of what you like.  I personally dont like a lot of guppies, platys, mollies, swordtails, etc...they breed like X Michelle has pointed out.  Had a Platy tank once and had lot of fry in a matter of a month.  But its a matter of choice and they are all good fish.

    EDIT:  Dont know where this came from...but Plecos and Goldfish can go together...mostly in a pond, but they can co-exsist.  Pleco get to be about 18 inches long and common goldfish can get about 2 feet long...but either way, in a tank about 75-100 Gallons with Great surface area and great can have a Goldfish and a Pleco.

    Best of Luck!

  4. I would get a few more neons.  I also have guppys in my tank and they get along well.  The neons tend to stay at the bottom and the guppys fly all over the place.  Just be careful to not overcrowd the tank.

  5. may I suggest getting 6 more neon tetras since they love to live in large schools and try to buy 8 Harlequin Rasboras.

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