
Help with my new turtle

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I found a turtle a week ago. It's a Florida Box Turtle. I really dont know how to keep it. Right now I have it on a 1.5 by 6 foot container with a bit of dirt and some water. but she doesnt eat and she kicks the water. It looks pretty old, its a little more than 11 inches long. I'm not sure if I should release it in the wild because I dont know if it was being cared for before, as I found it on the street while walking. It does get a little aggressive when you try to grab her. Feedback is very welcomed!




  1. if u dont know how to take care of it relaease it has probably been wild since it was born  

  2. The turtle being aggressive is a sure sign it's a wild turtle and has never been in captivity. Another sign is that the turtle is not eating and there for very uncomfortable to eat in it's surroundings. Finding the turtle on the street is a common things because they wonder about trying to find better places to eat, breed, and live. You really should release it back to the wild for it to have a proper life. If you are looking for a turtle, I recommend checking out and

  3. It is illegal to take in wild box turtles.

    They are also homing, meaning if you let it go somewhere besides where you found it, it could die trying to find its way home.

    You can buy box turtles or rescue one from a rescue (if legal in your state to own) So please put this one back so it will live.

    If you do not put it back please visit these sites to care for it properly.

  4. She was alive (so she was eating something) when you found her, and she is not very happy now. You should let her go in the Forest, a scrub area, or a marsh, but I am not sure if she will live there continually. But, if you do worry that much, search florida box turtle care and see some info. Hope this helps!

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