
Help with my report please?

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im doing a report in my intro to exceptional learners class....can someone tell me what are some negative and postive effects on labeling students who have special needs




  1. Oh Oh OH!  A subject I am dealing with right now.  My daughter has DS, she attends school and is eligible for special education under MR and SI.  I am dealing with the "LABELS" right now--our experience is that with this label, they do not expect anything from my child.  "Well, she does have Down Syndrome"--I was told this during a recent parent/teacher conference--Like I don't know this.  I expect great things from my child.  They (the school) does not challenge her to learn--when this occurs it impedes the child from receiving an appropriate education.  It is truly a problem as my child is more than capable of learning, even to follow the regular curriculum, yet the spec. ed teachers are having her count on a number line to a preset number (1-20), if she doesn it correctly--she gets a ride around the room in a wagon.  The teacher has been doing this with her for over 1 1/2 yrs, like this is all he expects her to do.  My child is soon to be 7 yrs old.  Could we please move on!!!???  All Children should be seen as individuals, even those who have special needs.  I have yet to see a positive in regards to LABELING.

  2. Under my government assistance program, my children had to be labelled with autism so that they could receive government funded help in their preschool years and be elegible for aides when they enter school. Putting a name to a problem can help in solving it. It also helps in acknowledging it. As long as the child is not limited to the label.

  3. The negatives of a label

    People make or have preconceived ideas about the persons disability or condition

    The person with the "label" is treated differently, either snubbed or ignored

    Occasionally a few people will use their label to make excuses for their behaviour or actions

    The positives of a label

    The person can access support services, to help them in school, home care and work etc.

    Access to adaptive technology to help them

    Hopefully better health care because of the diagnoses

    Better understanding of the complexities of the needs and requirements that are needed

    Some times access to more financial support or income

  4. Some negative effects are that people will fun of them.

    Positive is that people will fell sorry for them!

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