
Help with my <span title="bird..................................?">bird........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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my bird (parakeet) is sick.when i went to bed his feathers were puffed up a little.when i woke up the feathers around his head are matted and look wet.usually at this time of day he is eating and now hes not. what can i do for him?




  1. The wetness and matting around the face are most likely from vomiting. When birds puke, it goes all over their face etc.. When they vomit, they flick their head, and you can hardly see it.

    As the other person said, birds don&#039;t like to show their illnesses, and you can be sure that your bird is way sicker than it appears to be already. You really need to get it to an avian (bird specialist) vet, or at the very least, a vet who knows a lot about birds as soon as possible. Seriously, don&#039;t delay getting it treated, because it will probably be dead within a day.

    Good luck.

  2. birds aren&#039;t very eager to show that their sick, these little changes in appetite and appearance should be brought to your veterinarians attention.

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