
Help with my tattoo?

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So I got a tattoo on my foot on Friday....and the ink has been like coming off more n more every day. Also, it started bleeding today. I dont understand why I have kept A & D on it so it hasnt gotten dry, and when i was blotting it drying this morning after my shower there was green like goop on the towel. Is my body rejecting the tattoo? I have one other on my shoulder and it didnt do any of this!!!




  1. go to the docor right away. I agree witht eh first person, you might have an allergic reation to it.

  2. I would recommend talking with the artist and your doctor. It sounds like you might behaving an allergic reaction or possibly an infection. I would not recommend using a bath towel to dry it with. You should be using a paper towel or the equivalent, as bath towels and the like can hold bacteria and the like. If you are having a reaction to the ink there really isn't much you can do for it but let it heal. You will have some seepage, this is normal. But green seepage sounds like an infection. The foot can be a hard place to heal.  I hope this helps. Good Luck !

  3. Your body is having an allergic reaction to the ink.  You should call a doctor!!

  4. Go back to your tattoo artist and have them look at it.  Only they will be able to tell you for sure what is going on.

    Trust me when I say your tattoo artist would much rather you stopped into the shop to bug them about it than just let it go if something is wrong.  It is their work on your body, they want it to look good!
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