
Help with my turtle exhibit!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I asked this a few days ago but only got one good answer soooo....

I have a 75-Gallon Aquarium. and I want to make it the best!

I want 75% of it to be water, but have a part of it land. I want it not to be super-hard to clean either, but I know to make this possible, it is going to be difficult to clean and thats okay.

Look at this pic of my design [im not an artist! haha]

and tell me what I could use to make it. The thick, black line on the bottom... what can it be made out of? Does somewhere sell something like this?

Also, any advice for first time turtle owners?





  1. Have a look at certain fish tank set- ups. For example, mud skippers and certain Archer fish have a layout similar to the one you artistically designed. The shape of the land can be formed using some dirt and some pond lining, ( the black sheets of plastic that you use for lining the interior of a pond). You could also contact a pet supplies company and inquire about your design. They most probably would do it, at a price however.

    Good luck xxxx

  2. Get a very large plastic bowl and pile the gravel around it or you could use a piece of plexiglass

  3. Try to talk to a lot of experts in turtle keeping and you will find that pretty much all of them will give you the same answer- this design is just tough to make work.

    If you are committed to it, and your turtle would really benefit from it (nesting pond turtles, the southern Wood Turtles, etc.), then a better design is the Waterland Tub idea (

    There are various ways to simulate this at home. One rather simple way is to find a plastic tub that fits in your aquarium on one end, then fill it with rocks on the bottom, then a good soilless mix and whatever plants you want.

    Put it in the water and prop it up on blocks if necessary to get enough water. Use a slab of cork or plastic (with some non-skid material on it) to create a ramp.

    This gives you an easier to clean dirt area, and an easy to manage water area- but any of these designs will really cut down on your water area and most pond turtles want a LOT of water. You are basically turning your big 75 gallon tank into a smaller 20-35 gallon tank- barely adequate for one smallish turtle.

  4. ive thought about the same thing for my turtles and once i even saw a aquarium set up with plexi glass siliconed in the middle to seperate the land and water. i eventually decided to get two turtle docks though. there easy and think about how much space you loose buy filling part in. I have a basking platform and a food/cool plaform

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