
Help with my voice?

by  |  earlier

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its kinda on tha low side. not scary low, just low. and my voice is not great, but not terrible either. is there anyway possible i could hit high notes? and is there any help you guys could give me to sound better? andd would i sound the same if i were to record my voice on my cell phone then listen?




  1. What your voice sounds like and what your vocal range is predetermined at birth. If you want to hit the high notes just use as much air as possible. Also, dont think of them as high notes, when you sing a high note your diaphram actually drops. And, if you record your voice (you may not be able to get a very good one on your cell) it may sound different because when you sing vibrations in your bones make it sound differently. I hope this helps


  2. Try gargling with salt water...BUT DON'T SWALLOW!

  3. mark hoppus has a low voice

  4. okay, well there are ways to get your voice higher.. but as far as super high notes(im not sure how high you were wanting to get..) its a stretch. but try this.. open up your throat (kind of like you are yawning) when you are singing higher.. doing this lifts the soft pallete and makes it alot easier to hit those notes. what also helps you to open up when you are trying to get higher, is singing higher notes on vowels like "ah" or "oh". and practice practice practice. doing scales and exercises will help to condition your voice higher. over time... the results definately wont be immediate. but keep at it! also remember, there are soo many different voice types out there. you were born with a unique voice. maybe instead of fighting it, you could try to work with it more.. pick songs that are good for your range. that kind of thing.. have fun and enjoy what you can do with your voice right now. and please, dont push yourself too hard. all you can do, is all you can do, and you dont want to damage your voice.. but i hope this helps you! good luck!

  5. Hun my voice is low and i love it. (well my singing voice) all i  have to say for the both of us is practice. you can never get better without practicing. and don't record on your cell phone because it doesn't have that great of quality. and it kinda twists your voice. well i hope i helped you out.

                i already know that your voice is beautiful!!!! keep singing!!!!!
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