
Help with our Japanese maple?

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We planted a Japanese Maple 2 1/2 years ago. It has done well until this year. The leaves have turned dull and discolored and the top of the branches never even bloomed this year. It also doesn't seem to have grown an inch since we planted it. We have put some fertalizer on it and have watered it but it still looks awful. Any ideas on what might be wrong with it?




  1. where is it planted? and what climate do you live in? too much sun is very bad for japanese maples- too little shouldn't be so devastating though- a slight discoloration on the tips of leaves means lack of sufficient water- if you have fertilized it- make sure you give it time before you try again- if it is indeed in a too sunny spot- do some drip irrigation around it or- build a trellis next to it with a nice climbing plant to shade it next year- sweet peas grow fast and will shade it nicely- as for growth- japanese maples are very sensitive- if the right conditions aren't there they aren't going to grow- they won't die but they will not flourish- see if any of these tips help- good luck!

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