
Help with overhand serve now!!!!! Plz???

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monday is my highschool volleyball tryouts. ive been playing since 6th gradae. i have an amazing underhand serve. but i havnt been able to do a overhand serve. i have the right form and everything but it nevr goes over the net... can you help?




  1. I this problem but my friend helped me.  Its kinda hard though to see what your doing that could be fixed.  Try throwing the ball a little higher and getting your arm up.  Also pull your arm back like an arrow and follow through.  Be sure you are hitting the ball with your palm and not the bottom of your hand around your wrist or your fingers.  And try very hard to not use your fist because when you have to serve to spots it will be hard to control where the ball goes.  Once you do that serve a million or more times like against your garage or something.  Good luck

  2. you only need to throw the ball as high as you can reach.

    make sure that you are contacting the ball at the highest point you can reach. your hand should be pointing above the net at contact. if you stop your arm at the contact point and you are pointing at the net, the ball didn't go over. i have girls practice by throwing the ball over. if you can throw it over, you can serve it over. from my experience the major problems girls have with serving is that the close their fist (very bad), they contact the ball too low and they aren't swinging their arm fast enough.

    keep your hand open and in the shape of the ball (put your hand on the ball and open it wide, make sure your entire hand is touching the ball. that is how you shoudl contact the ball). You toss it slightly higher than your reach. make sure you are tossing it to the hand you are serving with. For example, if you serve with your right hand, you toss with your left. If you toss it TO your left hand, you have to chase it to hit it with your right hand. this doesn't work. you have to toss it to your RIGHT hand so you can make proper contact. if you let the ball drop it should fall about 6 inches in front of your foot on the right side (if you are serving right handed). lastly, you need to contact at your highest reach and swing hard and fast.

    practice that and you will get the ball over.

  3. ok heres the steps to a perfect serve:

    1. throw the ball in the air and catch it at its highest point

    that is the place where your gonna hit the ball

    2.put the ball in your left hand and then put your left hand back and equal to it

    3.throw the ball in the air and make your hand wide

    4. hit it at the point that you caught it at earlier and hit it

    this is how my coach taught me and now i hit it over every time! C-:

  4. practice practice practice

  5. The Internet doesn't help with everything, you have to practice. Really get a feel of what angle to hit the ball at and then do it a million times.

  6. never do closed hand... it may give you more power but its difficult to control... use proper technique snd if you hsve to take a step forward and get your momentum behind it.. hit it against the wall and practice hitting the ball at the highest point possible

  7. Practice hitting the ball against the wall.

    If you can't make the overhand serve with an open hand try it with a closed hand. That's what works for me. Oh and take a step before you hit the ball. ALWAYS follow through! Don't drop your hand right after you hit the ball.  

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