
Help with overhand serving?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i learned how to overhand serve at the begging of my volleyball season, at the first practice. But I haven't been able to get the ball over the net since then, I just keep hitting it into the net, or too short!

can anyone help me with something that may be wrong?




  1. practice hittong the ball against the ground with your hand open.

    as if you were serving but hitting it against the ground intead of in the air.

    and just when it bounces up again just hit it again

    it works for me

    or just build some more muscle in your arm

    they worked for me

    good luck

  2. ok its like giving a hi five.when u hit the ball with ur palm and snap ur wrist , like ur dribbling a ball , over the ball and follow through with the hit.

  3. i always have to say this before I serve "check my feet, present the ball, step, toss, hit, drag" that always helps! be sure you have a good toss and are draging you right toe or else you don't have any power

  4. first make sure ur form is right steping and tossing the ball at the same time.

    then throw the ball and it should land in front of the foot that you stepped with.

    next swing throught without hitting the ball

    after you master all of this you should start hitting it against a wall close to it then backing up as you get better and harder hits.

    I just mastered this for me and hope it helps you!


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