
Help with pads and periods?

by Guest61678  |  earlier

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how do i take pads to the bathroom without anyone noticing. everyone watches when you go out the door, sometimes when it's quiet, and they'll ask you why you went to your backpack and they'll watch when you pull out a bag and/or pads or tampons. We can't bring purses i'm not in high school and we don't have lockers or a nurse.

And I have an irregular period cause i just started about 4 months ago. How do I know when the next one will come so I can wear a pad on time so i won't stain my underwear and so it won't leak throught and happen in class.




  1. Just take your bag in with you. How can you not have purses, and not have a nurse? I suggest you write a letter to your school principal explaining how this affects girls who are menstruating. I know it may seem silly, but it's wrong not to have a nurse and not to let girls have purses.

  2. oh dear...i remember those first period days well...

    it's hard to tell exactly when your next one will be due, especially since you only very recently started your periods, but you can usually tell by the amount of discharge, you'll get more of it just before your period...but have a look at this site for details, it'll give you a rough estimate...

    and this one:

    it's difficult to be discreet, especially when everyone is looking...i'd suggest wearing pads for heavier bleeding with wings during classes, you could even wear one for night time which has a high absorbance if you're really worried so that your mind is put at ease, then change them during lunch and recess...and carry some in your backpack just in case you're not sure when your next period will be...

    you can buy a pretty little purse to carry them in that you can keep in your backpack, this will help to make it more discreet if someone looks...

    Always is a very good brand...Kotex is too because they make the pads to mould to the shape of your body so they're really comfortable if you're going to be wearing them for a long time...

    good luck sweetie...hope this helps :)

  3. well you should know when you period is. next time keep track on the celender. write down the day you start and the day you end then look at the patterns they you should be able to understand more. and i would keep you pad in you pocket wayyy before you go to the bathroom that way no one knows!

  4. Well, since your still irregular, when you think that you'll get your period soon or it's been a month on so and so this day, if it doesn't come on that day, then just wait for it to come. You'll sort of know. Keep track of what you feel the night before like: was a bloated last night? Did i feel any cramps or have any back aches? Stuff like that.

    Try and wait until everyone is gone, then take out the pad/tampon. I know exactly how it was because i kind of went through the same thing. I got my period when i was 11 and at the time, my class room's part of the building didn't have lockers, and i had a guy for a teacher. So i had to wait FOREVER or wait the entire day until i could change. There was actually one time when my blood leaked through my pants and i had to go to the office and tell one of the teachers. She was so helpful! =D So just sneak the pad into your arm and cross them. Or since it's starting to cool a bit, wear a sweat shirt and quickly put it in the pocket. That's all the tips i can give you from experience.

    Good Luck =D ( help me with my question please:;...

    all answers appreciated! But be serious!)

  5. There are lots of thin pads that are all folded up into little pocket shaped packets.  I would keep one of  these in my pocket for "those" days.  

    Its probably not going to work tracking your periods on a calender as most are irregular at first.  You will just have to try guess and really take notice of the discharge.  At ovulation discharge  is clear and sticky, 2 weeks later you get your period.  Someone above said it is clear at period-time...this is incorrect sorry.

    In the few days before your period you may also gain a couple of pounds, your b***s may feel puffy or sore and some girls get the munchies for chocolate and stuff too.

  6. Put a couple of pads in your pockets. Always. And why do you care if others notice? It's life. Stay proud; you're a woman.

    Even if you have an irregular period you should probably be able to tell when you're about to start by discharge. When you start getting the clear discharge, go ahead an start wearing your pads just in case.  

  7. Well. I would suggest taking a purse. But you already ruled that out.

    Maybe if you had one of your parents talk to the principal/adult in charge and told them the situation, you could carry a purse with your "essential items"?

    I don't know. I carry my purse almost everywhere, and I always have my spare "essentials".

    Hope I helped :D

  8. Make nose-blowing noises when you're in the stall, then wrap your pad in a crumpled wad of toilet paper, so that people will be convinced that you were blowing your nose. To insure that you won't leak in class, wear a pad or pantiliner throughout the month.

  9. when ur discharge changes aka the white stuff on ur undies

    and um idk

    put one in ur pocket

    i use tampons the descret one so they fit in a a pocket

  10. When you are due for your period wear a pani liner.  You can keep pads in a pencil casue and when u need it take it out in ur dek and put it in ur shirt.  U can aaalso keep it in ur show or bra or undies.  Hope i helped .xoxo good luck

  11. When I was still at school I used to either put it in my pocket if u have one in you uniform or in the sleeve of the top or jacket whatever.. it won't be so noticable that why.

    you can know if you are having your period soon if u feel your tummy hurts and your b*****s harden that day or a day before.

    Hope this was useful goodluck and by the way it won't be so bad if u just say you're having you period t the classmates if they are all girls :)

  12. i have the same problem exept im in high school this year and last year i was in 8th grade and ill just reach in my bag and take out the pads.....i dont bring my purse to school but i might this year

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