This is probably going to sound weird, but my husband and I realized the other day that we probably ought to write our own "mission statement" (individually, and as a couple). I don't even know how on Earth to explain WHY we decided to do sounds so weird, lol. But anyway, I'm wondering, from the POV of adoptees, AP's, and biological family, what should I/we be thinking about?
I wrote a personal mission statement in college, a few years after I left my abusive ex husband, and it focused almost entirely on how I am capable of, and responsible for, making my own decisions, and living my life exactly how I want to live it. Well, a lot has changed. I'd say the center of my life right now is my (growing) family.
Adoptees: If your a'parents were writing a family mission statement, what would you want it to say?
AP's: If you were writing your mission statement, what would you make sure to include?
Biological family: What would you want included?