
Help with piercing my own ears?

by  |  earlier

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is there anyway i can pierce my ear (cartilage) without getting an infecting?? Is there a right or wrong way of doing it?? What do i use to pierce it (i dont have any more of the earings they use to pierce your ears professionally) can you help??




  1. ive done it like a trillion times. you just have to make sure the earring is gold or something used for piercings. keep it clean. i cleaned mine with alcohol and sometimes peroxide. if you get like a balls looking thing i dont know if i should tell you to go to the doctor or not. i usually pop it by squeezing it. Good Luck,

  2. that is the worst idea.

    piercing your lobes yourself are acceptable but your cartilage, no.

    cartilage piercings take forever to heal anyways so if you s***w it up you can get a serious infection.

    Do yourself a favor and get it done professionally.

    Also, get it done at a tattoo place and not at the mall.

    The mall only has a gun and guns are bad. The tattoo place will use a needle which is better.

  3. you should get it professionally just to be safe otherwise if u do and u mess it up u might need that part of the ear taken off so safety first

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