
Help with potty training my guinea pig

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My guinea pig is about 5 months old and he is constanly peeing and pooping. Its mostly in the corners but all over the cage as well. I just began to potty train him am I doing it right? I have his potty in the corner he perfers the most. Its a small cardboard box and I keep scooping his p**p in it to give him the idea. I have the same litter in the potty as I have in his cage. Should I have something different in there? and he lays in the potty alot to relax and sleep. What am I doing wrong?




  1. Are you kidding me...if not WOW you are strange.

    You do not litter box ie...potty train Guinea pigs dear. That just is not within them to do that.

    No matter what you do, your lil piggy will peee peee and pooh pooh wherever it feels like it in the bedding.

    Power to you if you can conquer this...all power be to you dear, but try as you might you will not succeed.

    Sorry hun, there are many many books and web sites out there for lots and lots of strange, weird, and stupid ideas...just how many will actually follow everything they see and read? That's the funny thing about it and that's what makes you strange in my opinion. The question I have for you is WHY do you want to train a piggy to potty only in an specific area of it's domain? It isn't normal dear. That's as rediculous as trying to train a dog or cat to go potty on the

  2. you can not litter train guinea pigs only rabbits as guinea pigs r not intelligent enough im afraid, u may be able to but i doubt it

  3. It always amazes me that people get these crazy ideas.

    When you get an animal don't you try to read up on the dietary requirements and behavior of the animal first?

    You need a lot of guinea pig education!Read,read,read-lots of pages on the internet on proper care of guinea pigs.

    You can't and don't want to "potty train" a guinea pig.Do you think it's a dog or a baby?

    Make sure you give your pig the proper litter(aspen shavings) and diet(lots of veggies and Timothy hay,not alfalfa).And keep her stress free and in a quiet location.(not outside).

  4. Guinea pigs are not really able to be litter-box trained. You can leave a litter box in the corner he uses most for relieving himself, but he's not going to ever learn to JUST use that corner, and he's certainly not going to learn anything by you placing his p**p in it!  

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