
Help with potty training my puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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i just got a new puppy who is 12 weeks old...he is all ready paper trained...soo if u can give me some tips of how he can potty like a regular dog!!!




  1. When your dog makes a mess, take the paper with the mess on it outside where you want your dog to go. Place the paper down and GENTLY put his or her nose down to show them and say potty outside. Praise your dog and give them a treat. Repeat this daily and  you will see results.

  2. it is the same for older dogs, when we got our daschound mix she was use to a doggie door we didn't have one, so we just took her outside every couple of hours especially after they awake from a nap or after eating or drinking, we blocked her in the living room only so we could keep on eye on her closer, so we could catch her and change her habit, when you do catch it going in the house grab it and say "NO" and take it outside and say "YES" and rub the smell into the yard or wherever you want it to go. You will have to this for a few weeks until it learns.  At night or when you a gone either crate it or put in a bathroom.  It will not go in the crate, take it directly outside when you take from the crate.  Good Luck!!

  3. well if he is still a puppy u cannot expect him to lift his leg like regular dogs it will take awhilefor him to do so. my 3 1/2 month old puppy tries to lift his leg and looses his balance. For now let him just squat.

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