
Help with prayer??? PLEASE?? (muslims)?

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salaam, i know this is very bad, but i think i may have forgotten some of the surahs and i wanted all of the surahs transliterated. does anyone know of any websites where they have transliterations of all the surahs and everything needed for prayer? links would be helpful





  1. is a brilliant site

  2. Dont waste your time bro, allah in aramaic-even proto phonecien which is the most ancient  form of middle easten language, the whole world spoke it at one stage, means "curse". When Yahveh gave the law to moses-which the muslims also agree to as a prophet- God said "if you do not walk in my ways I will send curses (allah in aramaic) on you." it goes on to say that we will have "allah" in our streets, our bread bowls and the list goes on! Check for yourself, its in the book of deauteronomy in the bible which is way way older than the koran! And We have all left Gods ways, so We do have allah in our streets, all over the world cursing us with religiosity and intolernce, death and destruction. There is hope though, and that is through the sin bearing, taking away of our unrighteousness, the one who redeems unperfect man to Gods perfection, who paid our debt of sin to God, who paid the price for us to go to God wirhout us having to look to cursed man made religiosity that makes us kill ourselves in the name of a curse! Go to Yeshua. Jesus, the ONLY way to God, He loves you, and made a way for you without religion. He wants relationship, not religiosity.

  3. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said,

    "Offer your salat (prayers) the way you see me offering them." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)


    The generality of the Prophet’s (SAW) statement includes women. Therefore, all the actions of the prayer apply equally to men and women. There is nothing in the Sunnah to necessitate the exception of women from any of these descriptions. It's a major misconception in Islam, that women pray different than men. Outside of the dress code, women do not pray different then men. Men and women pray equally in the same manner. There is no difference between the way a man prays and the way a woman prays.

    Best link which I can refer you

    A Basic Guide to Prayer in Islam According to the Quran and Authentic Sunnah is

  4. this website is for Qur'an:

    this pdf file explains how to pray and describes how the prophet (saw) prayed:

    make Dua' for me and Muslims please,,


  6. go on google and type in "quran, translation" a bet that will take you to a lot of links. or go to your misjid and there should be a quran with translation there.  

  7. Wa-la-kum salam

    i know this one website that is very helpful

  8. wa aleikumus salaam

    first of all, do you know how to read arabic at all?

    because the best way to learn surahs and du'as is in arabic, that way the pronounciations are more correct in their tajweed.  Also try to get someone(knowledgeable on this) to check your recitation.

    here is what i found through google for transliterations:

    Note: use transliteration ONLY if you do not have a way to directly learn from Arabic.

    For beginners in Arabic:

    And if you know Arabic, then the following are some good websites to memorise from:

    For tajweed rules:

    For Salaah/prayer:  >>> Salaah Program

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