
Help with proposal ideas.

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I plan to ask my girlfirend to marry me one day soon. I would like some more ideas. I need it to be kept cheap but sweet.

My original idea was to wait until the full moon night, since she loves full moons and to go on a normal date then go to our usual spot where we have fun and then do it there with our song playing.




  1. i like ur idea i thought was pretty sweet..

  2. A proposal is such a personal thing, and not knowing either of you, it is very hard to suggestion. A proposal should be something that fits your personalities. Be is funny, romantic, dorky, whatever it is.

    My fiance took me to a very fancy restaurant which was typical for us, he excused himself to the bathroom and then suddenly over a loud speaker he started talking and walked over to me with a microphone in hand, he proposed to me then and there in front of everyone. Shortly after I said "YES". Our families came through the banquet room, which had been decorated by them, we celebrated then and there. This fit our personalities PERFECTLY, I loved the attention and celebrating with our family in a very elegant restaurant.

    My best friend is married to a tattoo artists, he proposed to her by getting a "fake" tattoo on his back that said "Will you marry you". Totally fit there goofy, tattood personalities. Then he had us all waiting at an ice cream parlor to surprise her. Totally fitting for them.

    Just do something that fits BOTH of you, speak from the heart. It sounds to me that you already have a perfect idea planned, something you will both enjoy and cherish later on.  

  3. I know this is typical, but my brother's wife was thrilled when he proposed to her.  he gave her a "Build a Bear" frog, (which she collects), dressed in a little tux.  When she squeezed its hand, she heard his voice proposing to her.  I could hear her squeals from where I was listening in the basement.  

    I'm waiting for a proposal from my man, and here is what I want:  However he proposes, I'd like the method and location to be significant to my relationship.  It sounds like you have that in the bag.  Lastly, the method should be special, and she should be able to see that you worked to put it together and make it happen.  Make sure your "usual spot" has some special details like candles and flowers, as well as the music.

  4. That sounds perfect.  In your proposal, tell her everything you love about her--things that you've never told her before.  Tell her how much you're looking forward to the future with specifics like waking up to her cute bed head every morning or making dinner together...sorry those are kind of bad examples...I hope you get what I mean.  Good Luck!

  5. Tell her to open and look out her window. Hold up a big sign with a ring on it and sy, "I want you to have my last name, will you marry me?"


    I think it is a cute iea.

  6. That be nice


    take her at the top of a building

    a single table with candles everywhere plus flowers and music in the back...

    and then propose  

  7. I think that's a great idea.  One way I always thought would be really nice is if there's a beach nearby, go there on the full moon night with her, make her close her eyes and write your proposal in the sand.

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