
Help with public aid

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i've been a SAHM b/c when i worked, we couldn't pay our bills and paid just a little too much for help. my hubby works a f/t for about 1,200 a month and we have a 3 year old. problem is, we have a bank account with a few thousand, in reality this belongs to my minor son from my grandfather's passing away. my question is if we close this bank account in order to get public aid, would public aid have any way to research this closed account? i'm in IL




  1. Yes,they can research past bank accounts. All they have to do is run your SS#. They will want records of your bank account for several months prior to applying. Putting the money in an account under your son's name will do you no good,a parent will still have to be co owner of the account.

    You can make a trust account for your sons money that cannot be touched until he is 18 ,sign as co owner and then show welfare proof via the will that the money belongs to your son. Otherwise,the money is considered yours and will count against your application.

    Trying to find a loophole to cheat the system is never a good idea. If they find out you are hiding assets,you could be charged with welfare fraud.

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