
Help with rabbit shedding?

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My rabbit had started to shed A LOT! Around her bottom area and her lower back too. Please help me. A lady at petco said that if you notice bald spots then you need to take her to the vet. I haven't noticed any yet. Do I need to take her anyways? Is there anyway to stop it? Please help and give me any advice you can think of..?!




  1. Well, what i think is that you should take your bunny anyway.You never know what might happen.But,I just think you need to brush your bunny daliy so she won't shed all around the house.

  2. hello there

    in a normal shedding routine,you will not notice any bald spots in the rabbit and the old hair is immediately replaced by a new hair.shedding is absolutely normal and hygienic for rabbits.but if you notice that the rabbits really irritated by the shedding process,a trip to the vet is advised.

    you could do 2 things to help:

    ♦brush her daily.groom her hair daily as possible to help the shedding process.long haired rabbits need much more grooming time when shedding rather than short haired ones.

    ♦give her pineapple and pineapple juice(natural).this will help alot in the shedding.give it daily during the day.

    best wishes to you!

  3. give him a bath or, well you no the brushes they use on llamas well use that it works

  4. I read that rabbits shed around fall and spring, so its normal. mine hasnt yet, but he has short furr(:.

  5. Don't worry about it! Rabbits go through a molt around 2 times a year, usually in the summer months. It's completely natural for them. You may notice bald spots but that is also normal while they are going through a molt.

    The only time when you should be concerned is if you think she has mites.

    The molt will eventually stop in around 2 weeks. You can brush her more often to help her shed all that fur off!

    Don't worry... it's completely normal.

    If you have any more questions on your rabbit you can e-mail me.

  6. Okay. It might have these mite things. My rabbit had them too.

    Take it to the vet if u do notice bald spots.

    another thing.

    comb your rabbit to get out the fur.

    also rabbits shed alot period.

  7. She is moulting. You need to groom her.

    And don't listen to pet stores for care advice  

  8. Well if there has been a change in temps that would explain it. is it fall where you live. Probably so. She is losing her thin summer hair and growing in warm winter hair. Brushing her will help her lose it quicker. If she is an inside rabbit and there are no temp changes you may want to take her to the vet.  

  9. I think that rabbits shed in fall and spring, so it's normal.

  10. dont worry. around the autum season all rabbits do this but if u do see signs of bald spots go to your vet because that means your rabbit could have possible mites. but brush your rabbit every day and pluck the hairs.

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