I've asked about my birthmother before, I've had some problems with her since I first reunited.
She's becoming more and more demanding of me to call her mom and to cut my parents out of my life.
We (my husband and I) are foster parents, we currently have 2 foster children, in addition to 3 bio children and 1 adopted from foster care. She will aknowledge only our biological children, and completely ignores our other 3 children.
I have laid everything on the line to her, and explained my feelings, but she just doesn't understand. My mother encouraged and helped me search for my birth mom, and she is still encouraging me to forge a relationship with her if I'm comfortable of course, but I'm just not sure anymore. I'm just not feeling that mother-daughter connection, I don't know if it's just her behaviour or not. Part of me feels that I should just move away from having her in my life, it's frankly becoming more trouble than it's worth. What can I do?