
Help with road incident?!?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving home and there was football on at a local stadium so the roads were very busy. There were lots of cars turning left into a car park for the football and the cars in front started to overtake them.I did the same. Then I heard this horn go off and a gentleman walked out the car and came over to mine. My windows were down and he leaned into the car and starting shouting abuse at my face and I felt extremely threatened. I apologised for the error. I apologised and got on my way. Then about half a mile down the road he stopped again abruptly in front of me and marched over to the car again and leaned right into my window and said I was driving too close. He was abusive and threatening and was calling me everything under the sun. I said I felt threatened and would call the police. Also in my opinion I wasn't too close! He said he worked as a ***** copper so I better watch it. He then grabbed his mobile and said he was ringing his sarge! Will I get fined? He made me shake!!!!




  1. I doubt that he was a police officer.  If he stated he was he should have produced his warrant card.

    If you took his car number or name etc contact the police and ask if they had info on the so called officer.  If it turns out he is not an officer it is a serious offence to state that he is one.  Personally I feel you have nothing to worry about, he would have had to issue you with some sort of documentation at the time of incident. He was probably some loud mouth sounding off.

  2. probably not. his word against yours.  no proof and no harm done.

    sounds like a jerk, probably why he is not a cop anymore.

  3. Nope, you will be okay, he was just late for his steroid injection.....dont worry...

  4. i very much doubt he was a police officer he would have routinely shown his warrant card before speaking to you

  5. I strongly suspect that he wasn't a copper and was only trying to frighten you.  His behaviour was totally unacceptable.  If you managed to get the car registration number and can give a bit of a description of the man, I would suggest you contact the police. The police can trace the owner of the car and find out who was driving at the time. It's unlikely that there would be enough evidence to bring any charges against him as it would only be your word agains his, however the police can give him "corrective advice" about his conduct.  If you didn't get the car's number I would try to forget about it and put it behind you, which I know is hard when you've been clearly shaken by the incident.  The chances are that if is the way he behaves he'll come to the attention of the police at some point in the future anyway.

  6. He was most likely a b/s merchant. Real "coppers" don't have to ring ANYBODY if they're going to do you for a motoring offence. Pity you didn't get HIS number ! ! !

  7. Whether he is a cop of not is irrelevant, especially if he was off duty or on his own, as his word means nothing without a witness.  If I were you I'd call the police and report the incident, as he acted like this towards you - he is in the wrong here, not you.  Road rage is illegal, so it would be more likely that he would get 'done' and not you!

  8. You should have asked more details when he said he was  a policeman. Whats his number etc. Also taken his car registration and gone to the police, tell them what happened and ask them to check if he was a policeman.

  9. Man no way its his fault he did it on purpose because the team he went to see lost if you ask me if you crashed into him then your probably going to be the one who gets in trouble but there things happen so try not to worry about it hopefully you wont have to see him again good luck anyway

  10. i would say probably not unless he took your name and number and license plate he really has nothing to prove against you, you could say he was going too fast and he was threatening you or other things, it would be a they said i said case.

  11. forget it he was just a jerk.

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