
Help with running for Army PT Test....?

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I am a relatively small girl, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I can run. My PT test is next month and I have been wrapped up in millions of other things and have not been able to train properly. I max out my PU and my sit ups are all right. My run is absolutely horrendous though. I have the endurance to run my 2 miles straight, but not the speed. I have tried intervals and I have tried lengthy distances. Nothing seems to be working out for me. I need a plan here to get my run under 19:36 by the end of next month. My run is currently in the 20s fluctuating each time I run. Any ideas?




  1. I have trouble maxing out my PU. The run however. Well, you need to be on a continuous running plan to build your stamina for a faster pace on your 2 mi run. Of course it is hard when you don't have the time. I recommend Julian Michael's 30 day shred, that has some good cardio combined with strength. Also, check out They have good advice for increasing speeds etc.

    Hope this helps, good luck on the APFT.

  2. You just need to continue with the longer distance runs. In order to improve your time, you need to run a long distance at least 3 times a week. I would aim for 3 or 4 miles five days a week. I wouldn't worry about your size either. Some of the best female runners I've met and trained with are under 5'5". Height really isn't a factor.

  3. run everyday 3 miles dont miss a day, if you can go further do it.

    It will come, you havent given it enough time

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