
Help with running?

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I would love to go running, but I have asthma. Everytime I try to run I can't go for more than thirty seconds without getting a tight throat and having to slow to a slow walk. I'm using my inhaler as directed but it still doesn't work. What can I do?




  1. The obvious answer - check with a doctor. He or she might be able to direct you to someone who is an expert in the field. Plenty of athletes deal with asthma, many of them in the pros, so you don't face an impossible task.

  2. INHAILERGIRL.INHAILER. DID YOU KNOW...bananas prevent cramps. yes, my secret to life is releaved. I think you should hire a nutritionist and a personal beatle killer, to help you cope your problems. GOODLUCK(: btw, otherwise. don't run. ingenious.

  3. sorry but not run, my brother has asthma...and it got a lot better as he got older, when he was younger he would just stop breathing all the time...but now her is 23 and its so.....much better. so i think it just takes time. just run a little at a time everyday then run a little more each day, slowly you will run longer

  4. you can love me i am made for you

  5. Try running on an indoor treadmill. It could be the outside air hurting your asthma.

  6. Run for 50 steps, then walk for 50 steps, and keep doing it that way till you get better lung control, it will happen if you believe it will... Also, where are you trying to run, in a place filled with smog? Try and see if you can run/walk indoors a few times and see if there is a major difference...

  7. Go slow, start to work yourself up to harder levels over time, and it will push back the asthma...i have many friends who have done that and can now play sports just like anybody else.
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