
Help with school lunches?

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I am a going to be a freshman this year and I need help with school lunches. The problem is I do not like salads or anything like that. I am fine with fruits. But no leftovers or hot foods. Please help me figure out what to put in my lunch.

Also should i use a brown bags or a lunch bag.




  1. Make yourself a fruit salad with your favorite fruits in it. Maybe a bagel with cream cheese, or toast with peanut butter on the side as well. You can brown bag it, but put in a cold pack as well, just to keep things fresh =)

  2. idk just pack your own lunch its cheaper and you only take foods you like, and i suggest a brown paper bag so you can just throw it away.

  3. You can have variety of sandwiches so that you dont get bored with them: tuna salad sandwich, cold-cuts, chicken salad sandwich, etc. Im not sure if you would like these salads: potato salad, greek pasta salad, bean salada, etc. Also you can make or buy those fresh-cut fruit salads, I find them more exciting than having one or two fruits. You also can add fruit yogurts and milk to your bag. Hope this helps.

  4. I used to bring bagels a lot. Sometimes with sandwich fixin's on them, sometimes with just cream cheese or butter.  

  5. Use a lunch bag and maybe try sandwiches (Not PB&J it makes the bread really soggy by lunch time!) , apples, oranges, caprisun, Ho-Hos, string cheese, peanuts, jello, lunchables, or pretzels!

  6. Well does your school offer a hot lunch program?? If it does look into that so that you don't even have to worry about packing your own lunch. Otherwise I would just suggest cold sand. or snack type foods like 100 calorie packs, granola bars, crackers... and then you can eat when you get you get home from school!! If you bring a lunch I suggest a brown bag because you can just throw it away and its not as obvious that you are bringing a lunch. If you are just going to bring snack type foods you don't even need to put it into a bag!!

  7. Sandwich... maybe some chips or cookies... and a fruit.

    Definately brown bag.

    Start saving up so you can eat out too... trust me on this!

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