
Help with selling on ebay?

by  |  earlier

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i want to sell some items on ebay, but this is my first time so i have a lot of questions, if you do, can you please answer my questions by numbering them like i did, thanks!

1) do my items have to be brand new? for example i have some jeans that i only wore twice, they are in very good condition but they don't fit and i was wondering if i could sell them?

2) how soon do i have to ship the item after the bidding has ended? and how much should i charge for USPS ?

3) how will i be paid? will i get a check in the mail or something, what if they pay by credit card how will i get my money?

4) do i have to keep a return policy?





  1. I agree with the above, and would like to add this helpful some items similar to what you would like to sell.  As a buyer, you will learn alot about how to be a good seller.  You will see it from both sides.  Be very specific with your listings.  Jeans need to be measured by you. Length, waist, inseam, style etc..  The quality of your picture will determine your interest.  Your pictures and your description are EVERYTHING!  Ship the next day and ship priority. Nobody likes waiting two or three weeks, wondering if their item is lost in the mail.  I can't recommend being a buyer high enough to you!  It will totally teach you how to be a great seller!

  2. You might want to take a look at:

    There are some tips there on ebay and might be helpful to you.

  3. 1) You Can Sell Used Items As Well As Long As They are in A Like New Condition well At Least With Clothes

    2) Well As Soon As Possible that you can ship the items is good it will give you a good review, also with shipping there is a shipping calculator that will help you determine how much to charge

    3) You can use its very easy and mostly all the people who use ebay use paypal to pay just create an account add your credit card and when they purchase the item from you the money will be automatically deposited to your account.

    4) You dont have to have a return policy but you can if it doesn't fit the person they can return or just be very specific in the size and details when you list it.

  4. They tell you everything but i'll hapily answer

    1) No they can be in any condition just you have to be honest about what condition they are in

    2) You can ship it after they pay... try to be quick and ship it after the first week they pay or you may get bad reviews

    3) You usually get paid through Pay Pal or credit card. I dont think they do checks due to them being insecure.

    4) You dont but you will get many more buyers if you do.

    Reviews by the way are what people leave about you on Ebay. For example if someone messages you and you reply quickly they'll probably give you good review for that and are more likely to buy from you again. You will also have to buy and ship quickly. Bad reviews often will lead to no one buying from you... especially if you've only sold a few items. The same applys to buying! Good luck. Any other questions can be found on Ebay's website

    I hope this has helped you... best answer please?

  5. 1) Nope. just make sure you mention in the sale that they are used.

    2) Go to UPS or FEDEX or USPS website and look up shipping rates. most people also tack on the listing cost to the  shipping rate so it ends up costing you nothing to list on ebay. (keep in mind tho that a lower shipping cost will attract more buyers.) You can ship the item whenever you want, but the sooner the better cause it will equal better feedback ratings. plus try to think of yourself in their shoes, when you buy something you usually can't wait to get it. Just make sure you have the money before you ship it.

    3) You can get paid however you choose. I personally don't deal with checks or money orders becasue they take to long and you have to wait for them to clear to ship the item (If your smart that is.) I only go through Paypal. If you dont have an account, go to and set one up, you can link it directly to your checking account and I personally never put any money in my actual paypal account cause it can be a pain to get it out. then when you list your item, Ebay will help you set up your payment options. If you do choose to accept payments through paypal only, and I strongly recommend you do, note it in your ad.

    4) you dont have to, but it definatly helps. Just say that all items are sold as is, or you can say "if you are unhappy simply send it the item back and I will refund your money.

    another tip is to put some time and effort into your listings appearance. It makes a huge difference. I had an item on thier that didn't get any hits or bids until the item expired. Then I made the listing look a lot nicer and catchier, and I got 10 times the hits, bids, and emails.

    Remeber, people don't like to throw thier money around. Make them want to buy your item. (but don't lie, always be honest about the product and if something is wrong, tell them.)

    Hope this helped.

  6. i wud like to know this too so be back later 2 check

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