
Help with severe infection after surgery alternative to antibiotics????

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My sister had a cancerous tumor removed from her back in January. She has been in and out of the hospital with a severe infection at the surgery site. The doctors have tried all kinds of things and the invection keeps coming back. They can not finish treating the cancer (chemo/radiation) when the infection is still active. Is there any thing that she can take to strengthen her immune system??? We are at our witts end and are willing to try anything!!! If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you!!!!




  1. Here is an article on the scientific proof of essential oils fight infection:

    I've heard Oregano Essential Oil does amazing things for infections. Also look into tea tree, lemon, and Eucalyptus

    google: essential oils "for infection"

  2. High dose intravenous Vitamin C and/or Hydrogen Peroxide.

    Best wishes and good luck.

  3. Topically, I only feel comfortable recommending  essential oil of's the safest. That's an intense situation to treat without seeing it.

    If she is interested you can look more into these options for her situation

    To build her immune system and help fight the infection...

    You might want to consider medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi, Shiitaki and Maitaki. They have been used in boosting immunity in cancer patients, in tumor reduction and helping the body cleanse itself of the toxins of chemotherapy.

    Here's some sites to look

    Another herb to consider


    Understand that these are only suggestion and I am not diagnosing what's going on with your sister.

    That's a tough position she's in and I send her and your family prayers for a speedy recovery

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