
Help with sippy cup training?

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My son holds his own cup quite well but has a hard time tilting his head back after the first half is gone...any tricks to get them to tilt their head back?




  1. We would put my son's hands around the cup and gently tilt his elbows up to where he was getting the liquid towards the spout.  It took about 4 or 5 tries before he got it down, but now he drinks every last drop!!!  My son was 10 months when we started using sippies 100% of the time, so I would say around that age range helping him tip it a few times should work out just fine.  Persistance is usually key with tiny ones ;)  Good luck!

  2. Right from the beginning we always said "tip it up" and gave the cup a gentle tip up.  It worked for your kids, but I know a 14 month old that still doesn't get it.

  3. We did the same thing as naenae00 described.

  4. I guess it would depend on how old your son is I guess. My son was right around age one when we started having him use a sippy cup all the time. He would keep sucking and would not tilt his head back either. I used my hands, like I was holding a cup, and just told him that he needed to tip the cup and I did the motion as I told him. He seemed to pick up on it after I told him 2-3 times.

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