
Help with skimboarding?

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When i skimboard my board tends to skim under the water so when a wave comes my board just stays on the bottom instead of me getting smashed on it. Is it just a matter of needing more speed or am i doing anything else wrong. Also any tips would help.




  1. go with someone that knows -- or ask someone while you are at the beach or just watch people that are boarding.  its next to impossible to figure out what might be wrong if you can't see whats up.

  2. I don't have a definate answer but I think I might can help. I skim a lot and I have a trick board. It really depends on whether you have wood or what kind of board. Wood tends to float on top of deeper water better, while boards like mine sink more often and faster. I have actually learned to throw the board hard enough that I can sometimes ride for quite a while deep under the water. If I was you, I'd ask someone I knew that skimboarded and were pretty good if they could come watch you just for a few times. Then, once they see you, they can probably give you a better answer than I have. Also, if you know of a surf related store near you, you could go there and explain to an attendant roughly what your problem is. Maybe they can help you. I hope I helped, 13roxysurfer31

  3. Haha dont ask me, I tried it once and busted my head open pretty good.

  4. Its tricky to start out, and it sounds scary, but you don't actually need that much water under your board to skim it; you are probably just a little early when you throw your board down.  Wait until the water is lower than you think you need to make it, that is probably the right time.  And in general, if you are skimming on a foamy or carbon fiber model, you need even less water.  We would rip it on practically damp sand.  Woodys are a little more forgiving and can float on a little more water but not much more.  Also if you look at pros when they ride, they are lining up their ride down the beach, not right in front of them;  I used to make this mistake all the time.  Try to train yourself to throw the board down and once your on it look ahead and not down, or you will wreck, and it will hurt...

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