
Help with s****. dancers,?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to my usual dance academy this year, and the girls are snotty beyond belief.

And this year, I'm gonna be the younger ones in a more advanced class, and I know that they will be bitchessz to me.

I need to know how I can deal with them, because I'm pretty sure if I mess up, they'll probably try to disown me from the human race.

Sometimes, I'm just quiet and shy and it comes off as arrogance.

I don't want me dance session to be uncomfortable with dancing this year, so tips on how to deal with these girls is appreciated?




  1. Just ignore them

    use your hate toward them to your advantage, dance your hate away!

    (thats what my dance teacher tells us)

    It really works!

  2. Younger  dancer in an advanced  class ? That would suggest to me that you are pretty good at what you do so perhaps they are jealous?  You are there to dance  and to learn to  become a better dance so focus on that. Get to class right on time and be wearing your  dance gear when you arrive and go straight home after the class has finished.  Dance your a_s off and enjoy the class ,

  3. first feel more mature than them they might look up to you. also dont be shy stay with wat the teacher is saying but dont be a teachers pet. im sure there is someone out there in ur class who feels just like u if u see someone like that ask them if they want 2 hang out with u

  4. I've been in that situation.

    Just ignore them, and just focus on yourself! =]


    PS-Good luck! =]

  5. i go to dance class to. i have been doing clogging(a faster version of tap and way harder) and hip-hop for 6 years and i am now starting advanced acrobats and lyrical. i do competitions=] but i have always been with the older kids. when i first started i was 7 and i was with the 16 year olds and now that i am 13 the older ones are my dance teachers. so i never really got treated differently and if they act like a

    ***** then you act like one back. i am 13 and if someone was b!tchy to me because they are older and they think they are better at dance then i would be b!tchier back and then they will back off=]

    hope i helped

    <33 erty

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