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1How are a landslide and an avalanche different

2This term is used to describe an arm of an ocean, sea, or lake extending into land

3A small, secluded wooded valley is a what

4A normally dry stream bed that becomes filled with water after a heavy rain is called an what

5A ring of coral islands or a coral reef surrounding a lagoon is also called an what

6Moisture-laiden winds blowing from the ocean to the land give India a wet summer What are these winds called

7What is the holy river of the Hindu religion

8Which mountains form part of the southern boundary of Europe?

9A high, steep rock face is a what

10The Islam religion is separated into two main sects Name them

11Name the tallest mountain peak in the world

12What is the largest canyon in the world

13If you travel from the Eastern Time Zone to the Cenatral Time Zone, how do you adjust your watch

14What chain of islands off the coast of Alaska is part of the US

15What is the capital of Australia




  1. landslides are composed of rock, dirt, and perhaps some trees and an avalanche is composed of snow, dirt and perhaps some trees.

    2. cove or gulf.

    3. glen.

    4. wet weather stream.

    5. lagoon

    6. monsoon winds

    7the Ganges

    8. alps

    9 cliff

    10. Sunni and Shiites

    11. mt Everest

    12. Grand canyon

    13. set it back one hour


    15. Canberra

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